Automatic brightness issue



2016-12-30 23:56

Hey there,
just got a new Pro 6 (M570H).
My first impressions are really good.
But what kinda drives me crazy:
When “Automatic Brightness” is activated and you use an app with mixed light and dark areas of the screen, the whole screen seems to pump up brightness and or contrast for just a quarter of a sec as soon as something pops up.
Example: You use a dark background in your Whatsapp chat. You’re typing and want to use an emoticon - as soon as you press that smiley button the whole screen changes contrast and brightness for just a sec (especially visible in the upper green area of Whatsapp), because the emoticon field which opened up has a white background. The same happens when you switch back from that white emoticon field to your keyboard.
I could also see this happening in other areas of the phone, f.e. when you slide down the notification center on a white background / app and back again. So it’s not an issue with the keyboard, Whatsapp and so on.
As soon as you turn automatic brightness off, the problem is gone.
Looks auto brightness tries to save energy or tries to change the contrast of the whole picture.
Also tried changing the screen mode, “performance” mode and so on.

Many thanks!