[Flyme]Meizu India



2016-12-10 14:51

  From Forum App
Hey meizu the china ceo i want to tell you that you are selling very nice mobile phones and very nice os but it comes on only global and china version but when it comes to indian version you all fails because the meizu brand has a big name in your country but when it comes to india you are not giving the upto mark service to the customers.????????????????????????????????Mistakes that meizu should solve it in india:-????????????????????????????????

1.Service Centre the big priority not set up in india recently you had made in delhi the official service center thats good.But where in other states you should provide that service centre.
2.The regular updates of the flyme os of indian official version i had used meizu m2 note for a year now and i had got only 2 updates of it . But if i see in global version there are lots of update in it why there are 12 to 15 updates in a year. These is not fair.
*#*#*If you are marketing In country like india you should make a proper marketing and have updates regularly and should provide a official service center in every state of india*#*#*
I would probably say those who evere are in my favour plzz like these????????And also comment below if you are with me