Flyme Chief architect Yang Yan shares first look of Flyme 6 weather app



2016-11-28 17:27

Flyme 6 is schedule to launch in just 2 days. But just as the excitement begins to rise among fans for the latest version of Flyme, Yang Yan who is the Flyme head has now shared a Screenshot of what looks like the Flyme 6 weather interface on his weibo page. Here is what the screenshot looks like...

The Weather interface seems to have changed quite a bit as seen in the above screenshot. The temperature is now displayed in Bold letters which makes it look visually better. The use of Bold characters could be one of the design changes that might be seen (expected) across other areas in Flyme 6 design too. Also, below the temperature we can now see the Air Quality Index displayed in real time so that we get to know about the quality of air that we breathe. There is also now an hourly forecast shown at the bottom of the app.

The entire weather interface of the new Flyme 6 look to be great with the new changes done. Do you like it...