[Debate] Low Battery vs No Network. What annoys you the most



2016-12-14 17:28

Smartphones have become an inseperable part of our lives. We use it to listen to music, play games, browse the net, check mails, watch videos, chat or talk and stay connected with our near and dear ones etc. But as much as we love to use our phones, our use is sometimes restricted at times due to no network from our operator or sometimes when the smartphone battery gets low and we can no longer stay connected with our friends or use our phone.

So the debate for today is, which of these situations do you hate the most while using your smartphone - Low battery or No network.

Pro Side (83)

Low Battery

I cannot play games, listen to music etc when battery is low so low battery is the more annoying

Con Side (45)

No Network

I cannot browse the internet or stay connected with friends when no network so this is more annoying