The new battery does not display the charge correctly, always 50%



2024-07-31 22:17

Please help me sort out two questions:

1. When I replaced the original dead battery with a new one, the charge level of my phone got stuck at 50% and does not move up or down (I have already charged and discharged it 3 times).
At the same time, the battery works fine and allows the phone to work for up to a day and a half in different modes of use. How can I make the phone recognize the frozen battery level, what settings need to be reset and what files need to be rewritten/deleted?

2. To fix this glitch, I updated my firmware version from to (beta) (I cleared all data at the same time).
The charge displayed by the system still remains at 50% and does not change. Tell me, which of these two firmware versions is newer and suitable for my phone? I ask because the update application installed on my phone says that the stable firmware version is newer and offers to update to it, I do not fully understand whether I need to do this or not.