Meizu... the best and the worst



2016-05-13 09:55

Edited by hjmalves at 2016-05-13 07:33

I am 45 years old and I love new technologies. I have a company related to IT andDesign.

When smartphones started appearing I immediately loved the idea and never stopped using them.
After starting with some early brands I ended up with Samsung and until now was my brand of election. Galaxy Note 4 was my last phone.

I started reading about China phones, and after some reading and despite seeing in some forums that Meizu had good pieces of hardware but regarding software and mainly relationship with customer they were bad, I decided to give it a go and bought the Meizu PRO5.
I have to say that in terms of building, feeling and features I was positively surprised.Indeed a good piece of hardware – the worst is camera in low light conditions,rest is well with the best.

But then little by little I started realizing that everything people complained about Meizu was sadly true.
I can’t say that Flyme is bad but it lacks professionalism. It’s very amateur in terms of finish.
Good ideas but only that. Bad implementation, lots of bugs. Each firmware corrects somebugs but introduces new ones. What Meizu is good in hardware is as bad in software.

How is it possible that a company that wants to go global has the worst implementation of languages I have ever seen?
I am from Portugal and I have only Portuguese(Brasil), but as many apps depend on country code I can’thave Portuguese(Portugal) local settings so only apps that have the option to select country will work well.

How is it possible people posting in forum about a problem or a doubt and after weeks there isn’t a single moderator that answers?

How is it possible that other brands have already phones with 2 years old or more updated with Android 6 and Meizu is correcting bugs in Android 5.1?

You can have good phones but believe me that if you don’t listen to consumer you will end as fast as you appeared.

In my country we use to say that best publicity is mouth to mouth. It’s what builds a brand.
My friend sees my phone, like the looks and features, I say good things about it and he buys it too. And the wave grows.

After all I see I am not and will not recommend Meizu to any of my friends. I can say to you that you already lost at least 3 customers that did not buy because I recommended them not to buy. You lost me as a customer too because despite I like the phone I will not use a phone that has the worst support I have ever seen.

If you intend to go outside China market you will be nothing more than a brand that tried and failed hard… you have no chance to go to European or American markets with this kind of behavior.
Just put some of your employees searching European forums about Meizu and you will see in all the same thing: Meizu simply doesnt care with what customer says and what customer wants.

This idea is spreading and is spreading because its what you deserve and what you are showing… YOU DON’T CARE.
So sadly what could be an excellent phone turns just average… and with the offer we have there is no place for average, they come and go every day. Only the strong endure.

So Meizu I could end saying I wish you all the luck but, honestly I don’t. A company that has the ability to make such good piece of hardware and then blows it with horrible perception of what customer wants in terms of software doesn’t deserve luck…