[Exclusive] Missing Flyme 4 Ringtones for your Meizu Phones



2017-06-03 18:37

Edited by rohit42 at 2018-04-17 10:10

When Flyme 5 was released last year, some new ringtones were added and also few ringtones from Flyme 4 were removed. The problem i faced was that my favourite ringtones were removed and new ones are not so good apart from one or two.

Luckily there was an update.zip file in my laptop of flyme 4. I downgraded my meizu m2 to flyme 4 just to get those ringtones (Now back on Flyme 6 open beta).

I thought, may be there are other people too who are missing those amazing Flyme 4 Ringtones. So, i am sharing those ringtones with you. I hope you will also love them (baring a few)

Zip File Size Number of Ringtones
11 Mb32

Flyme 4 Ringtones