Meizu teases a mysterious 'X'. Could be a new product.



2016-10-30 18:58

Meizu has launched a new teaser image of what might be an upcoming device from Meizu. Although the image doesn't reveal much about the product but the teaser has the word 'X' on it with the tagline 'unknown'.

Some rumors suggest that this could be a new pair of headphones from Meizu while others say this might be Meizu's gateway into the world of Virtual Reality. It might be recalled that Meizu's TV box got certified recently in China so the 'X' could stand for that as well. The product is expected to be revealed soon during the 31st October launch event by Meizu although Meizu has not shared any specific date in the teaser.

So what do you think this new mysterious product from Meizu would be. Any guess...