Teach you how to brush into the Chinese firmware



2016-10-11 23:27

I am a Chinese, China's flyme BBS has a tutorial, my English is not very good, please understand, begin the tutorial

1. root
2. Download the attachment after decompression on mobile phone root directory
3. Download the firmware in mobile phone root directory
4. Download Terminal, open the Terminal (command to run the program) input
cd/sdcard (cd input a space)
sh beta. sh input a space (sh)
Your phone will reboot to recovery

Clear data and update the system

Chinese ROM download address:http://www.flyme.cn/firmwarelist-25.html#3

The attachment to download address:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=306817375&uk=1901016661

Unable to download attachments, please contact me, my contact information is as follows