snapchat problem



2017-02-10 05:57

i have a m3e device and i don't know if i am the only man who has this problem; snapchat does not allow me to log in. it says  "Oh no! Your login temporarily failed, so please try again later. If your login continues to fail, please visit https:// " i had a long research and everyone says that 'the 3rd party software causes this problem and you have to uninstall it' but as y'all know the flyme is compeletely a firmware so i cant remove it i think every meizu users has not this problem except me. i've tried switching the version to global one because i have Flyme and to do it i need a file so i couldn't find it too. the only thing i want is just being able to enter to snapchat. or u can help me up to G version, thanks.