Himanshu_sing ...
Jelly Bean


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2016-04-30 21:58

let's check it out in review :) it's content is under process , i need to make sure to answer most appropriate FAQ while doing review part :)

also tell if the picture quality is ok in gif or shall i got with usual picture by picture design


Rudraksh: Your GIF quality the best I have seen! Only one suggestion, some photos are a little darker, click them in a little lighter environment
2016-04-30 22:00
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PRO 6 Plus


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2016-04-30 21:54

Nice Unboxing!
I think it still stands in Today's time


Himanshu_s ...: let's check it out in review :) it's content is under process , i need to make sure to answer most appropriate FAQ while doing review part :) also tell if the picture quality is ok in gif or shall i got with usual picture by picture design
2016-04-30 21:58
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