Apple blocked from selling used iPhones in India



2016-05-06 18:58

Apple won't be allowed to import or sell refurbished iPhones in India, a telecommunication ministry official told Bloomberg.

The company had requested approval to sell the older phones at a cheaper price earlier this year. India's environment ministry had denied Apple's same request in 2015 over fears that the used phones, which are close to end-of-life, would contribute to India's e-waste problems, according to the Times of India.

The decision likely sets Apple's Indian ambitions back a ways, as the company seeks to expand the iPhone's reach in the country. Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with Jim Kramer last night that his company's future growth strategy relies on Indian consumers.


India rejected Apple's application to sell refurbished iphones

"People [in India] really want smartphones," he said. With LTE rolling out in the country this year, Cook said there will be "huge market potential." The refurbished phone plan would have brought iPhone prices down to a more accessible level.

Apple is also seeking to open its first Indian retail stores.