[Thảo luận]Hướng dẫn sử dụng Ultimate của Diễn đàn Flyme



2017-06-20 15:55

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Our Forum Community is growing fast and for new users it is not easy to learn everything about forum in short time. In this tutorial, i will try to eloborate about forum so that new user can easily get what forum is about and why they are here.

After Registering to the forum or after login, user get a Home Page like in image below -

As you can see, on top left, there are links to Flyme OS website and Meizu Website. Below which, there are Forum Sections for different purpose. Below Sections, there is Slider on left and Sidebar on right. Slider consist of Important Forum Threads with large banners. Below slider, there are 4 more important threads with small banners. Below 4 small banner threads, there are 56 more threads on Home page. So except Slider threads, there are 60 threads total on home page. Admins and Moderators have rights to push thread to Home Page.

On Sidebar, there is "New Thread" link to create a new thread, below which there is a Sign in button which gives extra gold every day if tapped or clicked. A Counter is also there on the right of the button which shows how many users did Sign in today.
You can find Forum App Download link, Flyme Global Social Page Links and other important links on the Sidebar.

On top right, you can see your Name with avatar, if you hover mouse/tap on it, you can see more options and information about your id.

Below your forum avatar and name on top right, there is search bar where you can enter keywords to search any thread.

You can change set or change your forum avatar here.

Honeycomb here is User Group, which you get depending on your credits. More the Credits, better User Group with better permissions.

Points/Credits = (Prestige * 1) + (Posts * 0.5) + (Experience * 1) + (Digest * 5)

Only Moderators or Admins can set Digest on their threads, users get digest when they reply on that thread.

By completing Tasks, you get medals.

Creating new thread, Suggestions, Bug reporting and reply on threads give Gold, Experience and Prestige which earns you Credits.

In order to see the post time correctly, we need to set the time zone of the forum, follow this tutorialhere.

There are also several Sub Sections under some Sections. For example, General has following sub sections - Announcement, News, Tutorial, Flyme Column, Discussion, Reviews, Resources, ROM Porting, Off-Topic.

You can post your suggestions under "Suggestions" Section.
How to make a Suggestion/Feedback

You can report bugs under "Bug" Section.
How to make a bug report

If you have any query related to flyme, first check "FAQ" for your question, if not found, you can ask your query there. There is Quetions & Answers Team to answer your query.

Under "Devices" Section, you can access threads related to only a particular device.

We can access threads related to a specific country also in "Countries" Section. Currently threre are 12 countries section.

Under "Categories", Sections are divided into different Categories. It is best way to find any sub-section.

How to get rewards / prizes / gifts on forum -

  • Top 3 viewed threads get Amazon Gift Cards worth 10USD, 7USD & 5USD respectively every month. So create an amazing thread, PM KKPanda so that she can push it on home page if it is worth it and keep engaging users.Example
  • Top 3 users in the end of the year get amazing gifts. Example
  • Take part in Beta-Testing (users are selected every time when new Flyme OS is introduced) and report bugs, Beta-Testers with most bug report win excitng prizes.Example
  • Participate in contests to win exciting prizes. Example
  • Become a moderator. Example

Frequently Asked Questions -

What is use of gold?
While downloading any attachment from any thread, Gold is needed. Generally 1 Gold will be deducted per Download.
Also you can Buy Panda Medal using Gold.

How to earn medals?
Medals can be earned by completing tasks or through contests or ocassionally on forum. For example, 1st  Anniversary medal was available in December. You can check your medals and get medal in Medal Center in your Profile on top right.

How to get promotion to next user groups?
You are promoted to next user group when you earn enough credits/points. And Points/Credits can be earned by creating threads, posting Suggestions, Reporting Bugs and Reply on threads.

What is SM & PM?
In some contest, we need to share something on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram etc, so admins use SM for Social Media. And when the winners are announced, winners need to share his real name, address, phone number, ID proof, email ID etc to a particular (mostly one who is creates contest thread) admin by Private Message.

How to PM?
If you won any contest and you are asked to PM -
  • Admin name is always mentioned under Thread Title.
  • Tap on the name.
  • Personal Info page will appear, Tap on Send Message
  • Type what you are asked for and tap on send.

If you want to PM any moderator or user -
  • Tap on your Avatar or Name on top right.
  • Your personal info page will appear, Tap on Friends.
  • Tap on Search Friends
  • Advance Search page will appear, you can write exact name to search if you know exact name or you can type the name whom you want to search, tap on find
  • A list of forum members will appear according to your search keyword and if there are many users with matching name.
  • Tap on Name whom you want to pm in the list.
  • Tap on Send Message.

Things you should not do on forum -
  • Do not abuse on threads.
  • Do not create advertising threads or posts.
  • Do not use illegal content in post or thread.
  • Do not spam by creating duplicate threads.
  • Không sử dụng ID giả mạo, nội dung được sao chép trong các cuộc thi.
  • Đừng spam trong các cuộc thi.

Những điều bạn nên làm trên diễn đàn -
  • Chia sẻ kiến ​​thức và trả lời về chủ đề nếu bạn biết câu trả lời của câu hỏi.
  • Chia sẻ đề xuất của bạn trong phần "Đề xuất" để người quản lý sản phẩm có thể triển khai nó trong tương lai.
  • Báo cáo lỗi trong phần "Bug" nếu bạn tìm thấy bất kỳ trong quá trình sử dụng hàng ngày để các nhà phát triển có thể khắc phục nó và mọi người có thể thưởng thức flyme tốt hơn.
  • Vui lòng hỏi truy vấn của bạn trong phần "Câu hỏi thường gặp".
  • Tham gia vào các cuộc thi và nếu bạn may mắn, bạn có thể giành được một số quà tặng thú vị. Nhưng hãy đảm bảo sử dụng nội dung gốc.
  • Tạo chủ đề và chia sẻ một cái gì đó mới với chúng tôi.
  • Đăng nhập hàng ngày để nhận thêm vàng và nâng cấp lên Nhóm người dùng tiếp theo. Mục tiêu để có được User Gruop cao nhất.
  • Chúng tôi là một cộng đồng và chúng tôi không đầy đủ nếu không có sự tham gia của mọi người, trả lời và chia sẻ quan điểm của bạn về các chủ đề tạo bởi quản trị viên.
  • Bổ sung các chủ đề tốt được tạo bởi Admins / Moderators / Beta Testers / Users bằng cách trả lời chúng.
  • Đăng các chủ đề trong phần thích hợp, ví dụ, đăng hướng dẫn của bạn trong phần Hướng dẫn chung> Hướng dẫn , hoặc đăng hình nền của bạn trong mục Tài nguyên> Tài nguyên , để dễ dàng tìm thấy nó.

Bình luận Dưới đây nếu tôi bỏ lỡ bất cứ điều gì để tôi có thể thêm thông tin đó cũng như người dùng mới có thể xóa tất cả các nghi ngờ của họ ở đây.