meizu m2 (mini) gps question



2017-01-21 15:27

  From Forum App
hi,  i have little problems with my gps location. its working but accuracy is a bit off  [+/- 6 meters]

acording to gps test app it always have around 15 satelites in view but signal level from satelites in use is beetween 0 to max 25. i have compared it with old motorola moto e and it has much stronger signal level around 40-45 acuracy +/- 3m.

problems began i think after i have used update from october without wiping cashe.  from that time i heve updated to new fw always clearing cashs but it did not help.

any ideas?

btw can i instal from 2016-8-12  on my g?  to check if problem continus?

or should i just give phone on warranty?