How beneficial is the Amazon Echo?



2016-02-16 10:45

Edited by James_Kho at 2016-02-16 08:21

Ever wondered what the Amazon Echo is? It's simply an internet-connected wireless speaker wrapped around a digital personal assistant named Alexa.

Here are some prime examples of what the Amazon Echo (Alexa) can do for you:

  • Play your favorite tunes
  • Check how much gas is in your car
  • Turn on and off the lights
  • Order an Uber
  • Listen to an audiobook
  • Pretend like you have a real personal assistant
  • Re-order soap/toilet paper/detergent etc. before you forget

The downside to all this is that while Alexa understands the human voice easily, she isn't very loyal. She also understands and obeys anyone else who whispers her name into her electronic ear.
Potentially allowing her to be controlled by anyone in the area.

Do all of these tasks for the price of $180. Think it's worth it? Post your thoughts and comments concerning the Echo down below.