[POLL]What is your mail app?



2016-01-20 00:52

Edited by superpully at 2016-01-20 23:33

Hello everybody!

I just wanted to know wich one is the best mail client on Android phones.
I know it's impossible since everyone has his own idea and need, but with a poll I think we can see wich one is the most used!

I added some apps that I think are a lot used, if you want to suggest other plz tell me that I am going to add 'em!

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Edit: added multiple choice (2 maximum I don't believe anyone uses more than 2 apps)

EDit: now is possible vote for 3 apps....

Multiple Polls: ( Maximum 3 choices ), Total 32 Users voted

Meizu stock



nine mail.png

Nine mail

boxer mail.png

Boxer mail


Cloudmagic email

inbox google.png

inbox by google

outlook app.png

Microsoft Outlook


Yahoo Mail

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