Flyme id change without Brick 100% work in 2m only



2018-08-14 23:40

Hello gyzzz...........i just invented that u can change phone id  cn to g and g to cn with out twrp recovery without any risk

Here is all those step ------------------

1- First u need a rooted phone????

2- You need  à root file manager i like Root explorer or File explorer????????????????????????????
U can get any and U need Another app from playstore or third party Named Hex Editor to edite binary file

3- If u already rooted root ur mobile and continue....????????????????????????

4- If not root here ur -settings-security-root permission-enble-ok it will take a reboot and its done dont wory after instal rom u will get back

5- Now open file explorer/root explorer no go to root section
Here ur step Root-dev-block- and Now finde mmcblk0p50 file????????????????

6- If u got the file lets do that ....????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Make a long press on it and make it open with  select open with now you can see some apps showing......

7-Now select Hex Editor And it will open in it......????????????????

8- Here is main things....Now make a slow Scroll down and after few second you will see some numerical no in right side thats what we need????????????????????????

9- We have to Edite this NO and its provide u to ur desire which no u see its ur china or global id from flyme provide for every phone ????????ac actual meizu did this

10-Now you will see same later in middle line with a"3" now we r going to edite this if u going to global just make it (make a backup this) 37-32-31-35-31-30-30-32(this is global id) if you want to goback just put in ur backed up id NOTE : NOT INCLUDE "-" AND FIRST THREE LATER ARE YOUR PHONE MODEL I DONT KNOW OTHER MODEL cause am using m6note ????  

????Plz make a thanks...????????????????