[CFT -Discussion] Ask Content Factory Team



2018-07-18 01:59

Edited by ansh1410 at 2018-08-05 21:17

Hello Guys,

This is a unique thread. As the name suggests its a QNA Thread in which you can ask questions by replying down below. The Content Factory Team will answer it as soon as possible!

Why a different thread? Why not in QNA Section?
The main aim of creating this thread is to collect and share information in a specific single thread other than differen threads created by users in QNA Section. The QNA Section has its own significance.

Our CFT Team comprises of Moderators (Me and ChatDexter) Beta Testers (Rohit42, Subhashvarma and ChatDexter). In short I mean you can all questions related to your device, updates and all.

Among the most trending and hot topics are Flyme 7 features, using tricks and Update Schedule and for my device?

The most asked questions/anwsers will be collected and updated in this thread below so that this thread will be source of information for all other users.

How to ask a question?

To ask a question please follow this format so it’s easier for us to answer.


Who are you asking? (Ansh, ChatDexter, Rohit…) :

What is your question:


Some things to remember when asking questions:
1. Don't ask your question repetitvely. We will simply ignore that users.
2. Don't reply down below with: Thanks, Ok or something like that.
3.This thread will be updated time-to-time so see before asking if your question has been already answered.

Also I have attached a form below please fill it. In it tell your interests on which you want us to make threads so that we the CFT members can make more useful and reproductive threads. It can be like some Tutorial, Resources, Technology and/or Newswire Threads. Please mention any CFT Member using @ to get your question anwsered.