[APP REVIEW] EyeEm- place for photographic enthusiast



2016-03-29 17:20

Hi there everyone hope you all doing good.

Today i present in front of the app review column on Flyme forum where user whofeel like reviewing any application and want to present it in front of other Flyme user can do the same

So here we go!

Long back in 2012 instagram started its photo licensing portal which had a quite big setback and this created a Berlin based appdeveloper to create a unique portal for photographers and editors for aroundthe world to not just show cast their work also have a sustainable way tocreating revenue out of the same, so here on today we present to you
“the editor choice” & “top developer” from Google rating

Eye EM

I am a regular user for instagram for anyone on the same platform knows how well it works. But “EyeEm” is intended for more photographic enthusiast who not just wants to show but also earn from their skills of capturing a breath taking moment.

Moving on the global section of the app which is the very first column of the application it got unique design of consistent black “which is my color of choice” application got rectangular/square jumbled design which is quite unique unlike a gallery and straight design of instagram.

This column show cast the random but also popular design and gallery of user from around the globe which might a user like. It also got the feature section where photographer from around globe share technique on how and what to do for photography for any environment.


The next section of column display the user to whom we follow which highlights the various aspect of which genre the photograph belongs.

-One can like, comment on their favorite snap.

-can share to external source to notify to someone else who is not on the platform

-got an “open edit” which also tells the user of details offilter used  and one can easily reuse the same details in their own photograph !


The next column displays the notification from user followers and from user to whom one follow.

This feature also include mission which are set to global stage this is the platform where one submit their snaps for global recognisition and earn.

At global level they are categorized “missions” which represent for photographers from around the world to contribute to particular genre and once selected, their work be displayed and featured for which they earn .


Following to the final column which is the user centre ofthe application from where one can find someone to whom he/she knows also share the info of their profile if someone asks from.

-finding people got linked with major social networking where one can even invite by mail.

-the setting of application is quite thoroughly optimized where settings from notification to sharing even the “content type” can be briefly bifurcated which is what makes the application unique.

One if want to download the application can use the below mentioned link.

EyeEm is a global photography community on a mission todiscover and showcase new talent. Our marketplace is the largest platform forbrands and agencies to license authentic, royalty-free images. EyeEm is forthose who love photography. Looking for a free photo app with camera filters,curated albums, a photo editor, and a global community? Discover now whereEyeEm can take your photography.

Thanks for reading. Make sure to leave what you think of this application.
Also lets us know as to what else do you want in coming time.

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