Flipd app



2016-01-27 22:30

Hi all!
Yesterday I was browsing some new apps when I stumbled upon across a great app. I was having my examz and they just got over 2 days back! While giving examz I realised that I can't keep my hands off my phone!
I have become a smartphone junkie! But now I think " I can use my phone to control my phone usage!!", hahaha isn't it coool

"Flipd App
You set a timer using this app, and u won't be able to access your phone till the timer runs out!
In meantime, u can receive calls, dial emergency number and and and..... For being so patient u get a break of 60seconds for once to access your device

Here is the app link:

Do share your feedback!
Thank you
Meizu Amaze U!
