[Updated- Download Link] All New Features In Flyme for M5 Note



2017-07-20 21:03

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Edited by rohit42 at 2017-09-05 13:53


*Check "Game Mode" below for updated feature information*
Also I have added Download Link of Open Beta in the end

Here are the New Features i noticed on Flyme Beta on my M5 Note. These features may be added to other devices too in future or may be any of these feature removed before stable but for now these features are great and this is probably the best Beta ever.

App Cloner & Smart Cover

This is my favourite of all. Now you don't need to install parallel space app to clone any app. However, i will suggestnot to Clone any google app. This will make your google apps stop working until you restart your phone. But all other apps clone work like a charm. I tried cloning Whatsapp & Telegram and both app's Clone worked perfectly side by side. I will make a dedicated thread for "App Cloner" in few days.

App Clone   Smart Cover.jpg App Clone 2.jpg

Bold Settings & Status Bar Font

May be some of users will not like this bold font but to be honest, fonts on my M3 Note are too light and status bar icons are not clearly visible from disatnce. So, this bold font is a plus.
Bold Settings Font.jpg Bold Status Bar.png

Call Recording History & Flip Silent

Now you can access call recording history directly by just tapping 3 dots on top right in dialer app. There is also "Flip Silent on incoming call" option which let you to Mute the incoming tone by just fliping your phone.

Call Recording History.jpg    33181159.jpg

Eye-Friendly Mode

Now you can adjust Eye Protection Strength

Eye Freindly 1.jpg Eye Friendly 2.jpg Eye Friendly 3.jpg

Game Mode

Unfortunately, there is a bug in game mode in this beta for M5 Note but it is working fine in MX6 so i am sharing screenshot from MX6 shared by "Haimsenyor"
There will be a different Keyboard for games and also a floating Panda with 3 icons - Notification, Screen-Record and Settings.

Game Mode.jpg    Game Mode 2.jpg Game Mode 3.jpg Game Mode 4.jpg

There is new call receiving notificaton during games now. Check this new notification and old ones below -
(Thanks to Prem & Haimsenyor for sharing these screenshots)




IMG_20170727_124008.jpg IMG_20170727_124011.jpg    

Google Drive Backup

There is bug in this new option and i don't know whether it will be removed or not. But i will let you know after next update. 

Google Drive Back Up.jpg

Sound & Vibration

Lots of new option here. You can now adjust Home Button Vibration Strength and Enable/Disable sound for mostly everything.

Home button Feedback.jpg Sound 1.jpg Sound 2.jpg

Task Manager

Unfortunately, there is bug in this option too but i think it is working in MX6 and you can choose between Horizontal(Flyme 5 Style) or Vertical Task Manager in this option.

Task Manager.jpg

New Volume Icons

These icons looks better. Right?

Volume Icons.jpg

Wi-Fi Device Icon

Now you can identify which WI-Fi Network is of phone and which don't.

Wifi Device Icon.jpg

Setting Icon and New Mute Icon

Finally, Setting Icon is added back like in Flyme 5 to Notification Panel. And obviously new Mute Toggle Icon too.

Setting Icon   Mute Icon.jpg

Single Tab for Messages

No more 2 tabs (Personal & Notices) in Message App.


Password Verification when adding 2nd Google Account

Now you need to verify by entering phone password or FingerPrint to add another Google Account.

I think these are enough new features for a new beta. I will make another thread if more features are added in future. But for now, this is best beta after Flyme 6 is introduced with core features.