App of the Week: Poncho



2016-05-20 16:56

Here comes a new thread series: App of the week, which highlights a suggested app for our users with a detailed descr iption of the app.
On this weeks app of the week we have featured a cute weather app named: "Poncho" which is the the only weather app that will have a cartoon cat tell you about the chance of precipitation.It’s arguably the most charming weather app on the market, and if you have an Android device, you can now experience it for yourself. When it’s time for you to wake up in the morning, you are happily greeted by an alarm that plays a soft tune as opposed to an erratic chirp. Simply turn to your phone and you’ll get an entire forecast for the day told to you via bad puns and meme jokes. The forecasts are very efficient, covering everything from pollen alerts and accident reports to something they call a “bad hair forecast”, which tells you what the weather is going to do to your hair.
What are your thoughts on the adorable weather app? Is it worth a try? Ever had a weather app to notice you about a frizzy hair warning? Don't forget to vote weather you think this is a compatible series!
Source:Android Authority

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