Android N version number seemingly revealed by Samsung



2016-04-13 12:00

Edited by Pulak at 2016-04-13 09:30

Last month, when Google unveiled Android N Developer Preview, it didn't say what version number the new iteration of the OS would get. However, looking at the major Android versions launched, 5.0 Lollipop in 2014 and 6.0 Marshmallow in 2015, we can assume that Android N would be version 7.0. According to Samsung, this might indeed be the case.

Samsung recently released a new SDK for its MultiWindow feature - mentioning that this comes with "Android N (7.0) compatibility." Since Samsung is one of Google's most important partners, it probably knows more about Android N than us, so we're inclined to believe that 7.0 is Android N's correct version number.  

Of course, we can't say that the version number of Android N is of great importance. What matters more is the confectionery-themed name that this iteration of Android will have - because that's what's going to show up more prominently in marketing materials. Google has plenty of names to choose from, including Nougat, Nutella, Nanaimo bar, Nut roll, Neapolitan ice cream, and so on.