Why it is so cheap the Meizu MX4 Pro 16 compared to 32 gigas?It is a simple question I have, why the Meizu MX4 pro 16 gigas is so cheap compared to 32 gigas? Is it something special? a greeting
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Show prices :P Where you check it :)
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Tymcio replied at 2016-04-05 14:01 Good, I look at www.kimovil.com, and my last question, what brand of mobile is devalues more with the passage of time? ¿Meizu or lg? | |
I would say it depend on phone. As I can see, Meizu phones still have similar prices, and LG drops price after each product launch...
And about prices, they are different, because 16GB is easier to find (aliexpress, etc), and 32GB is quite rare. | |
Tymcio replied at 2016-04-05 14:21 thanks for the info friend, a hug!! | |