Fix IMEI your MEIZU phone WITHOUT root system & pc



2017-06-04 01:00

Edited by andrisholeh at 2017-06-06 08:08

Attention: This tutorial aims to fix your missing or random imei, do not use this tutorial for illegal activities

Okay we start it, Here are the conditions you have to do it:#You need to downgrade first to flyme 4
#Download mobile uncle or similar to get in mtk engineer
#After entering engineer mode slide to tab connectivity
#Then select cds information
#Then select the radio information#Select phone 1 if you want to fix imei in sim 1,Then to fix it, in the top column is edited to be like below AT<space>+EGMR = 1.10, "first imei repair number"
#Select phone 2 if you want to fix imei in sim2,Then to fix it, in the top column is edited to be like below AT<space>+EGMR = 1.7, "second imei repair number"

Exp: AT +EGMR=1,10,"1234567890"
#After right click send at command
#Reboot Your Meizu...