Xperia Z3 Issues



2017-01-26 16:28

Hello Guys,

im new to Flyme OS and have some little issues.

Some Apps that are stock in Flyme are on Chinese (e.g. Super Su, the AppCenter and more). My Question is can i uninstall all this unneeded software? I had installed the pico gapps so all software that i need is installed. SuperSu is patched to German and the SuperSu App is on German too. I just need to delete the Chineseapps.

Another problem is that I tried to flash another Firmware after I installed FlymeOS, CWM works fine but when i try to install the zip my Mobilephone tells me that it is not an Xperia Z3 he think he is a "honami" and Honami was the Xperia Z1. Is that a kernel problem or did I something wrong?

Greets from Germany