must have app i.e RADIO app



2016-12-11 03:37

  From Forum App
Meizus work with os is really appreciable n also hardware too is hardworked
instead of that there r some reason
wr Meizu must have to work like I don't  
understand y Meizu misses the radio in every model it's one of the must have
even 1k phone didn't dare to loose it how
2nd thing is that y???????????????? don't you provide earpice wd yr phones it's not fair
Android base version is too outdated here
however flyme iz good instead Android version SD hv an update
and finally
for Meizu
y don't you advertise in a planned way I mean you guys must hv to think abt advertisement panned very few people hardly knew Meizu it looks very annoying

also accessories availability is very limited