Meizu Pro 5 mobile data connection



2016-01-26 03:15


I have my Meizu Pro 5 for almost 2 month now, and I really like it. It provides great features with great performances.

However, I encounter two issues regarding the mobile data connection. I use my phone with 2 SIM cards: a French one (Free mobile) and a Swiss one (Sunrise). The Swiss one is in slot one and is the default one.

1. 2 or 3 times a day, I have to enter again the PIN code of my SIM cards.
2. I am not able to use mobile data on the second SIM card. If I go in the Settings > SIMs and Network > Default Data Sim and select Card 2, it does not work. I wait a few minutes for the change to apply, until I see the "3G" label for the second SIM in the notification bar. But when I open a browser and try to access Internet, it says that I am offline (I only tried with Chrome).

Last week, I updated my phone to the latest version: Since then, I only had the first issue once (compared to 2/3 a days, it's a great improvment). But I am still not able to use mobile data on the second SIM card.

Is it a known issue? Or do I have to configure something somewhere?
If you need more information, let me know.

Thank you for your help,