WTF The Recist Developers(M3 'L' vs M3 'M')



2018-04-27 20:31

  From Forum App
When You flyme recist developers are giving all meizu phones even the meizu m3 note "M" versions, Android Nogut and also the Flyme 7 update, Then We the Meizu M3 Note "L" users didn't get the Nogut update, let alone the Flyme 7.

Why developers are neglecting us?

Aren't Meizu m3 Note "L" versions from your company?

We bought it with our money, ok?

we are giving money to you for developing our phones, we are not wanting it free!

Then why we don't get any updates?

Why are you acting like shit with us? huh?

ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!????????