[Flyme]Rilasciata la Flyme beta (versione cinese)



2017-04-11 16:19

Oggi è stato rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento della Flyme 6 beta per il firmware A (versione cinese).
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Qui di seguito il changelog di questa versione:

Changelog | Function Adjustment
Each function from the creation to the floor have spent a lot of effort, only to bring more surprises to the charm of friends. Part of the function random or version of the difference, but also please mentor understanding: PRO 6 / PRO 6s new "application avatar" function, PRO 6 Plus / PRO 6s / PRO 6 / MX6 new automatically turn on the "shutdown password" function , Other models will be in the follow-up support.

  • Support "delete screenshot after sharing", to the mobile phone space while reducing the second operation
  • Login Flyme account phone, continuous unlock failed after the Meizu account password unlock, save waiting time
  • Optimize the "big font simple mode" to start the way, give you a more concise experience
  • Add "app avatar" feature to easily separate work life, assign reasonable every day, path: "Settings - Accessibility - Apply avatar"

Find a Cell Phone
  • Automatically turn on the "shutdown password" function to prevent the phone is lost immediately after the shutdown, improve the phone to find the probability

  • Adjust the touch sound in the input method panel, give the accompaniment to the beating finger

Theme Landscaping
  • Add "Variety wallpaper" switch option to enjoy every moment of visual feast, path: "theme landscaping - my - Variety wallpaper"

  • Add "switch according to ambient light" switch option, to achieve automatic switching mode, carefully care of your eyes, path: "information - personal center - night mode"

Adjust the relevant parameters of the gesture touch response, reduce the phenomenon of touching in the reading process, so that reading more smoothly
  • Visual optimization of the interface, re-adjust the proportion of the picture and size, in the small details of the cut out of the extreme
  • New football, Meng pet, hand travel and other channels, colorful content to enjoy non-stop

Cache optimization, cache speed has been greatly improved

Changelog | Problem Improvement
Thanks to the positive use and feedback of the philanthropists, the new version has fixed the following questions (including but not limited to), it is strongly recommended that all the ladies and gentlemen upgrade to get a better operating experience.

System Upgrade
  • Repair the system in the process of abnormal network phenomenon

  • There is only the icon displayed in the repair notification bar and can not be cleared
  • Repair the lock screen interface to delete the information interface Caton can not carry out other operations
  • When you connect your headphones, you can only play with the maximum volume during voice / video chat
  • Solve the problem of third-party application can not continue to play after 3 minutes

Parallel Space
  • Solve the process of the process of privacy contact calls, hang up after the notice bar flash message notice of the problem

Optimize Wi-Fi power consumption
  • Repair connected to the car after the Bluetooth call to show the phenomenon of incomplete
  • Fixed multiple calls in the Internet phone can not enter the settings page of the phenomenon
  • After entering the dual card and web interface click history, the return key and the home key are not responding

Phone Guardian
  • Resolve the problem that the multitask does not take effect immediately after modifying the "keep the background" state
  • Repair large font in simple mode to add the phenomenon of invalid phone shortcuts
  • Resolve the problem of interception of interceptions
  • Repair the opening of the network control application switch will be suddenly closed after the phenomenon
  • Repair the use of the king of glory for some time backstage statistics increased the phenomenon of power consumption
  • Solve low-power bullet box mBack can not be canceled, press the home button can not return to the desktop problem
  • Solve the open high-performance mode after entering the rabbit rabbit run points, after returning to a balanced model
  • Repair the limit power saving mode outside the line when the animation is abnormal phenomenon
  • Resolve the problem of merging icons and naming folders, full selection and selection functions in large font simple mode

  • Repair large font simple mode after adding tools to close, exit when the desktop flash phenomenon

  • Repair the occasional flashes of the phenomenon