[How to] get Google Pixel's new Navigation Bar on your Meizu.



2016-12-17 18:42

  From Forum App
Edited by Raunak at 2017-02-12 13:24

Hi Friends,
This is my first thread in Flyme Forum so Sorry for any mistakes and DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK,I WON'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR PHONE.
In this thread I'm going to tell you how to get Navigation bar like Google Pixel's Android Nogut (7.0-7.1) because I'm sure some of you wanted to have it....
1-Your Phone must be ROOTED.(I rooted with kingroot app cause its so easy so please root with it or find something else)
2- Insall 'Xposed Installer' app.( check this link to see the video tutorial - https://youtu.be/XzcKj_aeaA8)
3- Now, if you succeeded in both above steps then You Will be rooted with xposed installed successfully. (Some of the users already will be at this stage so they can start from step 4.)
4-Now you have to enable the navbar first,
(a)- open a file manager (e.g. Root Explorer or ES File Explorer )
  (b)- Give it root permissions and go to System > Build.Prop and open it.
   (c)- add "qemu.hw.mainkeys=0" line at last of file(without Quotes)
         Now Reboot the phone and you have enabled the Navbar.
5- Now open Play Store and Install 'Pixel Navigation Bar' app.(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.paphonb.pixelnavbar)
6-Now Open xposed app and enable the module from 'modules' section.
Done!!!  Reboot the Phone again and enjoy Android Nogut style Navigation Bar. UPDATE - Navigation bar's white colour might be causing trouble for system Apps.For this,use 'Navbar Apps' App and select manual navigation bar colour for those App in which auto mode doesn't work.
UPDATE 2 - I'm Using Nova Launcher Prime and Pixel Icon Pack. And here is my Nova launcher Backup in case u don't want to setup nova launcher . Just download the launcher and click on Backup file.In Case you want to use Pixel Launcher then here is the Version which worked for my M2. (Crashes sometimes though)

Update (Jan3,17)- I successfully applied this trick on Flyme 6 Beta version and guess what, Recent key is working too. It's not Pixel like because Xposed is not installed.Thanks a lot.