Android N finally gets its name. Nougat it is.



2016-07-01 06:19

After a lot of suspense surrounded around its naming, Android N is now finally named by Google as Nougat. Thus, from now onwards Android N would officially be called as Android Nougat.

At its headquarters in Mountain view - California, Google also unveiled the Android Nougat statue. You can see this statue in the picture below.

As you may recall, Google had started this unique intiative in which they asked the fans around the world to help them name the next Android version. Out of many names they got were Nutella, Neyappam, Nougat, New-york cheesecake etc. out of which Google has chosen to name the next Android version as Android Nougat.

Google hasn't yet revealed whether this next version of Android would be 6.1 or 7.0 but we might get to know this very soon.

So are you happy with the name Android Nougat. Is this what you had suggested too. Or did you want it to be named something else.