WhatsApp is the world’s most popular Android messaging app



2016-06-03 09:53

Thanks to a report by SimilarWeb that analyzed Android usage data from 187 countries, we’re now seeing that the runaway winners in this regard are Whatsappand Facebook Messenger, with WhatsApp winning by a substantial margin. North American readers might be a bit puzzled by this. After all, Facebook Messenger is the hands-down winner of this category in the US and Canada.

However, of the countries surveyed, 109 of them (55.6 percent) preferred WhatsApp over any other messaging system. Facebook Messenger is the crowd favorite in 49 countries, but from there on down the competition gets pretty stiff between a variety of apps such as Viber, Line, WeChat, and Telegram.

What are your thoughts regarding this report that WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world? How helpful are these apps? How hard would your life be without them?
Source: AA