locks phone when plugging charger in



2018-07-29 04:30

Edited by User5200555388 at 2018-07-29 04:32

Small strange bug on the new for M5 Note (installed with data clearing few days ago).
Phone is locked, screen is turned off (black). I'm pluggin in charger, I hear sound about charging is started - but screen is still black - and from now phone is not responding on keys (power or home button) to turn screen on.
To turn screen on I need to unplug charger, and after ~5 sec screen and keys returns into working state.

One time after screen becomes active I've got a message: "System interface" (russian - "Системный интрфейс") is not responding, do I want to wait or terminate it now.

Bug happens only if screen is turned off (black), connecting charger on active screen (even if phone is not unlocked) have no problems. Bug is stable.

UPD: Found a thread with the message "My phone always shows system Ui has been stopped working" - maybe it's related problem.