[Flyme]Messages app possibilites!



2016-01-11 06:40

Edited by Tymcio at 2016-01-10 23:41

Many people think, that Messages app in Flyme OS 5 is just common app to send text messages to other people. They are so wrong...

Besides of typical functions like typing, sending, etc. in Flyme OS Messages you can find functionalities like:

  • Quick answer
    Which allows you to type your text in 1 click from predefined messages.

  • Image

    Which allows you to attach images to your message.

  • File

    Which allows you to attach all kind of files to your message.

  • Contacts

    Which allows you to attach your contact card.

  • Localisation

    Which allows you to send your current localisation from the map.

  • Time message
    (the best one!)

    Which allows you to set what time your message should be sent.

In inbox app will distinct Messages from Notifications, so you will have clear list of conversations, and commercial messages will be in other tab.

You can also set selected conversations to be visible above other conversations, which is really useful if you have girlfriend/boyfriend you write a lot ().

All those functions above makes this app one of the best app for SMS/MMS I've been using!