open task manager by swipe from the right



2018-01-21 01:52

  From Forum App
Before meizu updates their os to, they have this great things that I love. Which is opening task manager by swiping from the right side. This ability is really great because it doesn't disturb when we play games, scrolling around or anything else.

  Since the update, they start to change alot of things. One of them are removing the open task manager by swiping from the right side. And it become one of my problem or some of you may feel it. It becomes annoying, when you scroll the task manager shows up, or when you play games in landscape mode the task manager shows up.

Even though they remove the accessibility, but some this update is better than the beta version. I wish if they had the next update they will return the opening task manager by swiping from the right side. thanks????????