Battery issue



2017-07-01 19:51

  From Forum App
There is some battery issue with new flyme 6 stable. Actually phone not analysing and calculating the actual battery draining time.It seems like phone is draining the battery according to the programming done on OS.
I think this because on full charge(100%), I started the phone and at that time it is showing battery gonna last upto 22hrs 30mints and it comes to 0% exactly at same time.No matter what I am using or the phone is on standby.I tasted this with 2G network.
So, Please don't ignore this issue with any unrelevant  excuse.Fix this issue and try to improve the system performance and battery backup time. I have tasted battery backup of the same phone with flyme 5 with same 2G network, and the battery backup time was excellent (approximately 48hrs+) with little use of wifi also.
So,please  fix this issue soon in the next upcoming update.