flyme beta for meizu battery issue



2017-03-08 17:02

  From Forum App
hello guys, i have been using meizu M2 mini for past 1year and it have some awesome and cool features, also it ia one of the bes 3rd optimised mobile i have seen in my life,  

but now i have installed flyme beta which was realesed 2-3 days ago for public,
now in m sharing my issues with this....
1. it is the most important issue for me... Battery drain is quite noticeable as previously on flyme 5 stable i havnt seen any issue but now it is quite observable....

2. issue with some google apps... thy some time crash but not most of time.... minor bug... ure to look into

3. no themes and wallpaper app... plz give that...

4. one feature of flash light blinking while some one calls you.... its missing... plz put it back in flyme 6.

except that i havnt seem any major issue..... as always remove the cons out of u nd u will be perfect .

i didnt mension here the best feature of flyme 6 as there r so many i could have write a book for that... so for sure try the beta nd enjoy the feel of premium..