#1st Anniversary# Forum App Initial Impressions!



2016-12-14 17:26

Edited by pajji at 2016-12-14 14:58

Hi Guys,

Its been almost a week already since the release of our Forum App. Many of you have already been using it form Day 1. Forum app was the most anticipated thing for the forum users from which everyone could access forum On The Go without any need of Browser or a PC.  Thanks to the Developers for making this happen.
So finally I'll be my Initial Impression with you guys.

Here's how the Flyme forum app looks like in App Drawer

Once you open the app you'll see the Categories and The Banners of latest Threads

HOT Is a section in which you'll the Most Happening Threads.

SELECTED In this section there will be some of the Interesting Topics which you should try out!

Then there is Your Personal Space where you'll get to see things related you!


You'll be notified if there is any activities related to you or your threads under "RELATED TO ME".

MY THREADS section where you get to see the threads that you have created earlier

MY FAVORITES section will show the threads that you have added as Favorite.

SETTINGS is for the app settings

Note that this app is still in its BETA version and it has few bugs. Leaving that aside lets discuss the PROs and CONs of the app, Shall we?


*Easy and Simple to use UI
*No need of Logging In everytime
*View and Reply to topics On The Go
*Push notification enabled


* Still in Beta.

This was my initial impressions about the app. What are your thoughts and SUGGESTIONS to improve the app? Do Comment below your suggestions.Lets make Forum App better!

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