【Daily Feature】Some interesting story come again - Day 4



2016-02-19 19:54

Daily Feature: We will publish a wallpaper everyday that is professionally designed by Flyme designer with a story to go along with it.

Other Daily Feature:
Panda warrior - season 1

Story review:
Day3 - Catch&Close
Day2 - Disaster Coming
Day1 - Fallen Moon

You can also write down your personal idea of this story in this thread.
Let's  continue our story!!!!

The Story:

The monkey at the bottom reaches out for the moon. Just when everybody thinks the disaster is dissolved, the disaster comes! Once the monkey touches the moon, the moon breaks into countless pieces and blends into the water. The monkey at the bottom stares at the water in his hand and weeps. He feels sorry for not saving the world.

How will the monkeys get through the crisis?

Guest, if you want to see the hidden content, please Reply

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