brian_rodrigu ...


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2016-02-10 22:42

The customers are getting better and better choices to choose from in the budget segment... The Lenovo K4 Note, LeEco Le 1s and Mi Redmi Note 3 have set the bar high... Now all that needs to be seen is how Meizu responds to this competition and what have Meizu to offer the customers in this price segment...
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Aakash006shar ...


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2016-02-10 23:43

ultrametric replied at 2016-02-10 16:36
They will release one of the first Qualcomm SD 820 phones. You should care about it  

It ...

lg g5 also coming.

i'm waiting for microsoft surface phone, and meizu metal : 2nd gen
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brian_rodrigu ...


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2016-02-11 00:02

Aakash006sharma replied at 2016-02-10 21:13
lg g5 also coming.

i'm waiting for microsoft surface phone, and meizu metal : 2nd gen

What about Meizu MX6...
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I wont bite.


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best_contentEarphoneMX5Super HunterHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusGlobal FansPanda

2016-02-11 00:03

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Aakash006shar ...


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100KForumMemberscontest loverflyme 5TwitterMX5M2 noteHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusGlobal Fansmetal

2016-02-11 03:14

it will not contain sd card
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I wont bite.


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best_contentEarphoneMX5Super HunterHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusGlobal FansPanda

2016-02-11 03:21

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brian_rodrigu ...


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2016-02-11 11:46

ultrametric replied at 2016-02-11 00:51
I bet against you.

The Pro 5 also has a sd card slot.

Yup I am expecting atleast a hybrid slot...
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2016-02-11 18:49

Very much waiting to get my hands on it
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Aakash006shar ...


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2016-02-11 19:07

ultrametric replied at 2016-02-11 00:51
I bet against you.

The Pro 5 also has a sd card slot.

pro 5 have sd card, but if Meizu mx 6 will have sd card : i will go for it
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100KForumMembersHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusGlobal FansModeratorFacebook

2016-02-12 13:54

Don't worry folks!  We will nail it soon
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