A Questionable Wearable "Pins"



2016-03-14 10:16

Currently just a Kickstarter project, the idea is pretty great: take the classic idea of a simple decorative pin and make the face into a thin LCD screen. Then, sync it wirelessly to an app on your smartphone that lets you change the image displayed on the screen to pretty much any photo or moving image that you want. The face can even display GIFs, use for the increasing numbers of us who communicate primarily or solely in that medium.

Technological issues with the idea, namely the fact that it will not be fully waterproof, that it will have a 74-hour battery life for still images and only 2.5 hours for moving ones, that it must be charged via Micro USB, and will cost a projected $99 U.S. There's also the issue of it being in questionable taste.

What are your views on this new wearable? Would you pay to wear a syncable mini LCD screen? Is the battery life going to be a big issue for the product? Tell us what you think down below.
