brian_rodrigu ...


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2018-01-02 21:30

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Back in 2016 I passed out of my college and ever since I had quit 2 jobs, 1 because of too much work pressure and other because it didn't pay very well and the moment was quite depressing. So at the beginning of 2017 I was with my 3rd job already and I had decided that I need to now focus on my career and not quit jobs anymore.

The starting of the year 2017 had been quite a struggle as I was new to my job and also my dad lost his job so my responsibility was all the more and I needed to get serious in life. After initial struggle a couple of months the rest of the year has been a great year for me. I have just completed an year at my current job and also bought my first bike from my first earning for my family. Besides working at my job I also have been a part of the Flyme forum from where I got to know a lot of new people from all over the world and some of whom have become good friends with whom I regularly interact. Among gadgets I have got a new Meizu Pro 6 Plus in 2017 which is my first ever flagship phone that I owned. I also got a laptop this year which I wanted to have since a very long time but couldn't buy it as I couldn't afford the amount to be spent on a good midrange laptop. But as the saying goes, all is well that ends up well. And just like the saying the 2017 has been a great year overall and I can proudly say that I have achieved the goals that I had set for the year some of which were:
1) Not to quit my job for atleast an year
2) Buy a new bike for my family
3) Buy a PC/Laptop this year for work and family purpose

2017 has taught me one thing in life that If you believe in yourself then no goal is impossible. Now 2018 has even bigger goals set so just the hope that this year too turns out well just like 2017. Wishing our entire Flyme community a very Happy New Year and hope the year turns out to be full of happiness and surprises for each one of us.

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brian_rodrigu ...


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2018-01-05 00:06

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Congrats to all the 3 winners...
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brian_rodrigu ...


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2018-01-05 00:07

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Rudraksh replied at 2017-12-22 21:16
Will update my story here
Nice contest

Still waiting for the update...
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brian_rodrigu ...


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2018-01-07 01:37

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rohit42 replied at 2018-01-05 11:17
When flame update for my Nokia 3310

haha do you have a Nokia 3310 also... I too have that phone... The old classic... Not the new one... I bought it from a used phones dealer and use it as a secondary phone for work purpose and I must say it is quite an attention grabber... Mostly when I put the phone out on to the table next to my Pro 6 Plus it is actually the Nokia 3310 that people are more interested in looking...
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