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2018-11-10 04:04

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User5203445008 create on 2018-11-06 21:26
Your phone gas the FM radio chip but is disabled by default (as the clone of m3 note: the Yu Yunicorn)So is very difficut to re-enable It, but i tell you how.The FM radio chip is the MT6627, so we need to add some files to the rom: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=16447rXV2XOmzt7TVrHivdJz0K95W17brAfter we need to enable FM radio drivers in system/build.prop modifing a lunedì from fmradio.driver.enable=0 to fmradio.driver.enable=1.At the end we have to find and  install the FM radio system app.Why we don't create a development team with also a telegram channel for the M3 note even L681H?

so complicated
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