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2016-11-30 15:29

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This year , in the month of February 2016 I decided to buy a scooty for myself, but did not know to ride it.Never knew cycling so balancing was a hurdle. Its ironic that my dad asked a boy who use to stay near our old neighbourhood to teach me how to ride. Dad trusted him so I was also carefree with him. First day, he explained me the basic functions, after holding the handle and giving it the accelerator, the bike zoomed ahead and we both fell , the bike on us. I hurt my knee and he hurt his heart.Next few days he use to hold the bike and i use to ride. He kept giving me hints that he likes me but I was focused on learning.
But when two hearts are meant to be together, nothing hold them apart.
That falling off the bike was the beginning of our love story. Our love is
Still going st Scooty Speed. What a year for me
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