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2017-12-22 17:01

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Edited by rohit42 at 2018-01-03 06:47

Really amazing contest KK and nice story. Here is my story. It is a bit lengthy, i hope readers can read it -

I will divide my 2017 story into 2 parts – Personal Life & Life on Forum

Personal Life-
2017 didn’t go well for me. My resolution for 2017 was to get a Job and I failed completely. First, I tried for job in private companies and after I failed there, I started preparing for Government jobs exams. I appeared in total 4 government job exams and didn’t succeed in any of them.
This affected me a lot. I am not talking to my friends because I think they will make fun of me. I am just talking and meeting my few best friends who knows everything about me. My laptop's battery also died last month. Only goods things happened to me were due to Flyme Forum and Meizu. I will explain it in next part. Other than forum, I got my Graduation Degree this year and I was happy because I got 75% marks and completed my graduation wthout delay (Backlogs).  And our Cow gave birth to a baby cow (Calf).
My resolution is still same for 2018 – get a job. But this year I will learn more scr ipting & programming languages.

Life on Forum-
You know Spider Man, right? There are some other super heroes too who struggle in their real life (zero in real life) but they save the world with a mask or costume with other identity.
I think my story is bit same.  I didn’t got what I wanted in my personal life but I got everything (or more) I wanted on Forum. I may not have achieved anything in my personal life this year but achieved a lot here on forum. I feel proud that I bought Meizu device last year because that is the reason I joined the Flyme Forum. Now every member in my family owns a Meizu device. I gave my M2 to my Dad, M5 to my Brother, M5 Note to my Mom (which she later returned back to me as she was having problems in operating touch screen phones).

I joined forum on April 6, 2016 but till Decmber,2016 I was visiting forum just to check updates for my m2. But in December, one of the the thread of rudra changed everything. The thread was about Flyme 6 Chinese Daily Beta. I installed the beta and experienced Flyme 6 before most of users. That thread made me visit forum regularly to check such useful threads.
And after some days I found that there is a contest “#1st Anniversary# Content Sharing Contest”. I participated in the contest and won Meizu BTS30 speakers. And I won because of rudra, I participated with my “Flyme 6 review” thread and moderators found it good for the 2nd place in the contest.

And this contest is the reason, I found my first Gem on this forum – Rudraksh. When my gift BTS30 reached in my city, I got call from DHL courier boy regarding my parcel and custom charges. This was first time I won something and I was getting something from another country so I didn’t know about custom charges. Rudraksh was a moderator and he is Indian too so I PM him on forum and ask him about custom charges. He was so humble that he gave me his whatsapp number for quick chat as it was serious matter for me. January 9, 2017 was the exact date. After that, we became good friends and he is still my best friend on forum. He tought me everything related to forum, how things work here and he inspired me in a great way.

So my resolutions for 2017 on forum were-
1.        Become a mod
2.        Become a beta tester
3.        Name in Annual Contributers Rawards
Well, I achieved 2 out of 3 but actually I achieved more than these 3.

I won some contests in 2017 – Some by luck and some by skill & hardwork. Gifts I received -

Meizu BTS30 Speaker – [January 10] Won in Indian Section on Forum. Moderators selected top 3 thread from lot of entries.

Meizu M5 – [February 22] Won in a random reply contest. The winner was someone else but his reply later found to be fake by admin and he got dissqualified and next valid reply was mine.

Meizu M5 Note & EP51 – [May 4] M5 Note won in random reply contest and Ep51 won in beta testing of flyme 6.

5 Years of my life contest – Admins selected the best entries. I learned video editing specially for this contest because I wanted my entry to be unique.

2nd Flyme Cup Theme Design Contest – First, when this contest was announced, I was not interested as I didn’t know anything about icon designing. But I learned basics of Adobe Illustrator from tutorials  and designed the icons and wallpapers. I had Typhoid too during last 4 days of theme submission but I still completed my theme in the last moment of ending time. So, I didn’t got time to design at least one more theme or more icons for 3rd party apps for the first theme. So guys, I am sorry, my theme may not have hundreds of icons but whatever icons I designed, I tried to make them unique and colorful. I know I have no chances of winning but I wanted to at least try and I am happy that at least I can apply my self made theme on my phone.

Beta Testing-
I got beta testing in “Complete mission and won m5n and beta testing contest”. But on my other account – Rayuga. I participated in Flyme 6 Beta testing and got 4th rank in ranking list. I reported 89 bugs total. Later, recruitment for beta testers for M5 Note & MX6 was open so I applied as I had M5N. And finally I got selected because of my performance with Rayuga. So this way,  I become beta tester with my main account. And in 2017, i reported 173 bugs & suggestion with this account and 89 with Rayuga, 262 total. And I was selected in Beta Testers list on Annual Contribution Awards.

Moderator to Outstanding Content Creator Award –
On February 9, 2017 Q&A team moderators recruitment started. I applied for it but as I had just 9 threads, 100 replies and 17 hours online time at that moment, I was not selected. But I didn’t loose hope. I checked the profiles of the selected users and found what I was lacking.

On April 19,2017 Another Moderators Recruitment started. I was busy in Beta testing so still I didn’t had much threads (other than Bugs). So I started creating more threads and my though was to create quality content by the end of recruitment end. Unfortunately, the moderators were not announced. Later I found that there is no such requirement now.
But I found a new reason to create more quality content threads – user’s response. People liked my threads and I got inspiration to provide more quality and unique content to the users. I Started new series – Big fans Interview and Rudraksh was the first to inaugurate the series first episode. Later ChatDexter & Filip were featured in 2nd & 3rd episodes respectively. Users really praised the series for unique concept. I will look forward to provide more episoded this year.

I created 42 threads total with different categories – Resources, Tutorials, Pole, Discussion & Flyme Column. Response was overwhelming –
Threads with 20K+ views – 02
Threads with 10K+ views – 12
Threads with 05K+ views – 25

I also won Most Viewed thread reward in Monthly Highlights of 7 months (All after that Moderators Recruitment Thread in April, 7/9 months). I am first user to rank 1 in top 20 users for consecutive 3 months (could have been 5 if the maintenance was not there) in monthly highlights. And most prestigious is – “Outstanding Content Creator Award” in Annual Contributor Awards.

I want to thank KKPanda for this award. She supported me throughout the year for my threads. She is the reason behind my success. And without you people I am nothing. You guys inspires me. Thank you all for loving & supporting my work throughout the year. I think I am the only non - moderator user whose thread was featured in Slider with banner and launching page of Forum App.

In 2016, Reliance Jio’s Owner was Santa for Indians and in 2017, KKPanda is Santa for us who brought gifts for us.
In the end I would like to thanks –

KKPanda – You are the only admin who reply so fast. Like Moderators, I can’t contact you directly but I never missed it as you always reply on time on forum. If you had not pushed my “History of Flyme OS” thread, I would not have come so far. You pushed that thread and that encuraged me provide more quality cotent. Thank you so much for the “Outstanding Content Creator Award”. You are a great leader of Forums.

Diajent  & MZSimon – For recording our bugs and helping in making Flyme Great Again.

Bhavis – Thank you for sending us the gifts in India. You saved us from Custom Charges Headache.

Tifafa & Jack – Although I was not active during that time but I have heared a lot about you. Everyone miss you. Jack gave my first gift of the forum – BTS30.

Ripkiller – Thanks for believing me and taking stand against Satish during #1st anniversary content sharing contest

Rudraksh – Without your advices, insights about how forum works and clearing all my doubts it would not have possible. I am sorry for whatever happened during voting contest but I always took stand for the right thing only. You are still my best friend and I promise I will definetely quit if such voting contests happens again and we both are in voting list.

Rudra – Thanks for that thread and you are a genuine person who is not afraid of anything. You banned lot of spammers as soon as possible and made this forum clean. You don’t need complment for your Q&A work. You are master.
Tymcio - Thanks for responding to other mods as soon as possible to take any action on forum.

Brian – Everytime I used to open forum, there were only 2 names – Brian & Rudraksh. I thought you won’t reply any regualar user’s PM but I was wrong. You both are most humble. The way you responded in voting contest, you desereved to win and now you can’t say that you never won a major contest.

ChatDexter – Your threads inspired me and I am glad that I was able to compete with my master/teacher. Your telegram channel & chatbox is amazing. You are helping lot of users in solving their problems. Congratulations again for you Pro7.

Pulkit, Prashant, Prapul and all users for supporting my work. Thanks you all moderators and beta testers for your work.

Meizu & Flyme - You are the reason i am still happy after a disastrous year. We all have high hopes this year. We will look forward for more Snapdragon powered devices, Bezel-less phone, Innovative concepts and faster updates this year. Best of luck for M6s & Meizu 15 Plus (I only know about these coming devices) Happy Chinese New Year in Advance

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2017-12-22 17:12

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KKPanda replied at 2017-12-22 14:33
Before January 3rd, 10AM (GMT+8) is OK
Cool, because theme download will also be starting from 3rd January..
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2017-12-23 00:28

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+++Reserve Spot+++

Will edit this comment, so that my story can be read early
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M2Avatar uploadedcontent creatorhotstarM3 note100KForumMembers10KForumPostsforum_app1st_anniversary

2018-01-04 18:06

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Congratulations to the winners
Great start for the year
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2018-01-05 13:47

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brian_rodrigues replied at 2018-01-04 21:37
Still waiting for the update...

When flame update for my Nokia 3310
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