[Flyme]It is important to allow bootloader unlock and here is why



2019-02-27 02:35

1) Meizu is incredible company which creates great devices. Meizu devices are great compared to devices twice as expensive.
2) Meizu Flyme is probably the best custom skin to android which is a great reason to buy Meizu
3) Bootloader unlocking gives ability to get root access. Root access is the thing that separared Android from iOS in the first place and is VERY important to MOST ACTIVE part of android community. Flyme is irrelevant as this point, because to root or not to root is a question that stands above any skin whatsoever. It is very important to developers and community. If there is no root, we can just buy Apple instead of Meizu. Thats the harsh truth. Ability to root is a requirement, not a request.
4) There are no custom firmwares for Meizu. Therefore, lifecycle of Meizu device is as long as is meizu direct support. Which is way shorter then community may provide.
5) Inability to root makes most dedicated community uniterested in Meizu. Meizu is not friendly to those who want to be friends with Meizu.
6) It is easy for Meizu to provide bootloader unlock tool without any problems to those who want an unlock. What community does to our phones afterwards is not Meizu fault whatsoever nor does it decrease public opinion. It is quite the opposite. Ability to unlock and root boost phone popularity, longevity, value at several years perspective and boosts company sales.
7) I wanted to buy Meizu 16th because it's incredible for a year, but since there is no root and I can't use apps that requite root, I can't buy this phone. Nor will I be able to buy Meizu 17 or any further phone. Because I cant use apps, that require root and which I use frequently, such as kernel adiutor, REC, Root call blocker and many more.
---/Please upvote or whatever. Unless we make them hear us, meizu wont go very far.